Our candles are created with natural soy wax and free of phthalates, parabens, and dyes. They are hand-poured and hand-scented in small batches with non-GMO, USA-grown wax. Plus, we even use a cotton wick that’s lead- and nickel-free. Our Wood Wicks are all Natural.

Wick Tips

Cotton Wicks, the first burn, start by trimming the wick to 1/2" and then burn until the entire melt pool (the wax you see on top) is melted. Wax has a memory so it will follow the first burn pattern, meaning if the top does not fully melt the first time it is more likely to tunnel.

Wood Wicks, the first burn, start by trimming the to 1/8" and then allow the candle to burn for at least 2 or 3 hours will allow the melted wax pool to reach the sides of the jar and as a result optimize the burn time of the candle. In addition, it is important to keep the wick trimmed to a length of 1/8 of an inch. You can do so by using a wick trimmer or when the candle is cold, tap the excess wick with your fingers.


Finally, always place your candles on a heat resistant dry surface never put them on any surface or item that could catch fire. Before relighting or handling the candle, allowed to completely cool.


Please use care and precautions when using candles. Burn at your own risk. It is recommended to place a lit candle on a heat resistant coaster/surface to prevent any possibility of heat damage. S Design assumes no responsibility for any damage that may occur due to misuse of candles, and candle burning.

All Candles are a FINAL SALE.

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